Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Constrained Systems

:rocket: Boarding completed!

A young academics workshop of the GAMM FA Numerische Analysis on theoretical and numerical aspects of DAEs. Organized by Jan Heiland and Robert Altmann.


Date Item
April 15 Arrival
April 16 Casual meetings and open discussions
April 17-19 Talks and thematic sessions
April 18-20 Casual meetings and open discussions
April 21 Departure

The Venue

The mansion la maison blanche in Sion, Switzerland, that has sleeping room for 10 and a seminar hall for 20.

The townhouse View from the lobby Old view of Sion and the townhouse


Self-organized or by transfer

Route Date Info
Augsburg - Sion Sunday, April 15, 9 AM by car, 3/7 spots still available
Sion - Augsburg Before Saturday, April 21 by car

Registration and fees

Issue Info
Registration No fees here
Accommodation 45 Euros – flat charge
Catering Jointly organized and self-paid
