Für SchülerUnis bietet sich die Modellierung von Epidemien an, weil die Mechanismen und die Mathematik im Modell nachvollziehbar sind. Bisher hatte mich an meinen Versuchen damit aber gestört, dass das Thema etwas trübe ist (niemand hat Lust auf Corona oder einen Zombie) Es doch abstrakte Mathe bleibt (wenn beispielsweise im deterministischen “SIR”-Modell die Ansteckungsraten einfach angenommen werden) und letztlich die Verbindung zwischen Modell und Person nicht hergestellt wird.
How to approximate general nonlinear systems by parameter dependent linear system using deep neural networks.
While things were shifting away from away from keyboard, I found little pleasures in seeing software tools in production. Most of all I enjoy small scripts1 that take a few lines of readable text and turn it into a website for an online course, into lecture notes, or a slide deck for presentation.
How the daily changes in the cases may indicate whether the virus is on the decline.
A short python implementation of POD and DMD for a 2D Burgers equation using FEniCS and Scipy.
While it seems common knowledge how to formulate necessary optimality conditions backed by the famous Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle, the direct derivation from the very general original formulations is not obvious. Sometimes, authors like me1 provide some plausibility like obviously this term has to vanish, refer to other sources that miss the derivation too, or attach the complete book by Pontryagin to a specific formula2.