6 Construction and Analysis of RKM for nonlinear DAEs

Now we consider RKM for nonlinear DAEs. We start with a DAE in semi explicit strangeness-free form and give general results on how to write down a general RKM for it and how to analyse the global error. Then, we consider general strangeness-free nonlinear DAEs and show that a certain class of RKM applies well – namely those that can be constructed by collocation with Lagrange polynomials over the Radau, Lobatto, or Gauss quadrature points.

6.1 General RKM for Semi-Explicit Strangeness-free DAEs

A semi explicit strangeness-free DAE is of the form ˙x=f(t,x,y)0=g(t,x,y) with the Jacobian of g with respect to y, i.e. yg(t,x(t),y(t))=:gy(t,x(t),y(t)), being invertible for all t along the solution (x,y).

Some observations:

  • this system is strangeness-free
  • under certain assumptions, any DAE can be brought into this form
  • in the linear case E˙z=Az+f, with z=(x,y), the assumptions basically mean that E=[I000]andA=[A22], with A22(t) invertible for all t.
  • The condition gy invertible means that, locally, one could consider ˙x=f(t,x,R(t,x)),with R such thaty=R(t,x). However, this is not practical for numerical purposes.

The general strategy to get a suitable formulation of a time discretization of system (6.1)-(6.2) by any RKM is to consider the perturbed version ˙x=f(t,x,y),ε˙y=g(t,x,y), which is an ODE, formulate the RKM, and then let ε0. In the Hairer/Wanner Book, this approach is called *ε-embedding.

This is, consider

Table 6.1: RKM applied to semi-explicit DAEs
xi+1=xi+hsj=1βj˙Xij, yi+1=yi+hsj=1βj˙Yij,
˙Xij=f(ti+γjh,Xij,Yij), ε˙Yij=g(ti+γjh,Xij,Yij), j=1,2,,s,()
Xij=xi+hs=1αj˙Xi, εYij=yi+hs=1αj˙Yi, j=1,2,,s,

i.e., the RKM applied to an ODE in the variables (x,y), and replace () by


Theorem 6.1 (Kunkel/Mehrmann Thm. 5.16) Consider a semi-explicit, strangeness-free DAE as in (6.1)-(6.2) with a consistent initial value (x0,y0). The time-discretization by a RKM,

  • with A invertible and ρ:=1βTA1e,
  • applied as in Table 6.1 with ε=0,
  • that is convergent of order p for ODEs
  • and fulfills the Butcher condition C(q) with qp+1

leads to an global error that behaves like


  • k=p, if \rho=0,
  • k=\min\{p, q+1\}, if -1\leq \rho < 1
  • k=\min\{p, q-1\}, if \rho =1.

If |\rho|>1, then the RKM – applied to (6.1)(6.2) – does not converge.

Some words on the conditions on p, q, and \rho:

  • For stiffly accurate methods, \beta^T \mathcal A^{-1}e=1 and, thus, \rho=0 \rightarrow no order reduction for strangeness free or index-1 systems
  • For the implicit midpoint rule also known as the 1-stage Gauss method: \begin{array}{c|c} \frac 12 & \frac 12 \\ \hline & 1 \end{array}

    • the convergence order for ODEs is p=2
    • but 1-\beta^T \mathcal A^{-1}e = 1- 1\cdot {\bigl(\frac 12\bigr)}^{-1} 1 = -1, so that \min\{p-1, q\} = k \leq 1, depending on q.
    • in fact k=1 as C(q): \quad \sum_{\ell=1}^s\alpha_{j\ell}\gamma_\ell^{\bar k-1}=\frac{1}{\bar k} \gamma_j^{\bar k}, \quad {\bar k}=1,\cdots,q, \quad j=1,\cdots,s in the present case of s=1, \alpha_{11}=\gamma_1=\frac 12 is fulfilled for {\bar k}=1: \quad \frac 12 = \frac 12
    • it is not relevant here, but for {\bar k}=2:\quad \frac 12 \cdot \frac 12 \neq \frac 12 \cdot \frac 14

6.2 Collocation RKM for Implicit Strangeness-free DAEs

The general form of a strangeness-free DAE is given as \begin{align} \hat F_1(t,x,\dot x) &= 0 \tag{6.3}\\ \hat F_2(t,x) &= 0 \tag{6.4} \end{align} where the strangeness-free or index-1 assumption is encoded in the existence of implicit functions \mathcal L, \mathcal R such that, with x=(x_1,x_2), the implicit DAE (6.3)(6.4) is equivalent to the semi-explicit DAE \begin{align*} \dot x_1 &= \mathcal L(t,x_1,x_2) \\ 0 &= \mathcal R(t,x_1) -x_2 \end{align*}

In what follows we show that a collocation approach coincides with certain RKM discretizations so that the convergence analysis of the RKM can be done via approximation theory.

Regression (Collocation): – If one looks for a function x\colon [0,1] \to \mathbb R^{} that fulfills F(x(t))=0 for all t\in[0,1], one may interpolate x by, say, a polynomial x_p(t) = \sum_{\ell=0}^kx_\ell t^\ell and determine the k+1 coefficients x_\ell via the solution of the system of (nonlinear) equations F(x_p(t_\ell))=0, \ell=0,1,\dotsc,k, where the t_\ell\in[0,1] are the k+1 collocation points.

Concretely, we parametrize s collocation points via \begin{equation} 0 = \gamma_0 < \gamma_1 <\gamma_2< \dotsc < \gamma_s=1 \tag{6.5} \end{equation} and define two sets of Lagrange polynomials L_\ell(\xi) = \prod_{j=0,j\neq \ell}^s \frac{\xi-\gamma_j}{\gamma_\ell-\gamma_j} \quad\text{and}\quad \tilde L_\ell(\xi) = \prod_{m=1,m\neq \ell}^s \frac{\xi-\gamma_m}{\gamma_\ell-\gamma_m}, with \ell\in\{0,1,\dotsc,s\}.

Let \mathbb P_k be the space of polynomials of degree \leq k-1. We define the collocation polynomial x_\pi \in \mathbb P_{s+1} via \begin{equation} x_\pi (t) = \sum_{\ell=0}^s X_{i\ell}L_\ell\bigl(\frac{t-t_i}{h}\bigr) \tag{6.6} \end{equation} designed to compute the stage values X_{i\ell}, where X_{i0}=x_i is already given.

The stage derivatives are then defined as \begin{equation} \dot X_{ij} = \dot x_\pi(t_i+\gamma_jh) = \frac 1h \sum_{\ell=0}^sX_{i\ell}\dot L_\ell(\gamma_j). \tag{6.7} \end{equation}

To obtain x_{i+1}=x_\pi(t_{i+1})=X_{is}, we require the polynomial to satisfy the DAE (6.3)(6.4) at the collocation points t_{ij}=t_i+\gamma_jh, that is

\begin{equation} \hat F_1(t_i+\gamma_jh,X_{ij},\dot X_{ij}) = 0, \quad \hat F_2(t_i+\gamma_jh,X_{ij}) = 0, \quad j=1,\dotsc,s. \phantom{F_1} \tag{6.8} \end{equation}

Now we show that this collocation defines a RKM discretization of (6.3)(6.4).

Since \tilde L_\ell \in \mathbb P_s for \ell=1,\ldots,s it holds that P_\ell(\sigma):=\int_0^\sigma \tilde L_\ell (\xi)d\xi \in \mathbb P_{s+1} that is, by Lagrange interpolation, it can be written as P_\ell(\sigma) = \sum_{j=0}^s P_\ell(\gamma_j)L_j(\sigma).

If we differentiate P_\ell, we get \dot P_\ell(\sigma) = \sum_{j=0}^s P_\ell(\gamma_j)\dot L_j(\sigma) = \sum_{j=0}^s \int_0^{\gamma_j} \tilde L_\ell (\xi)d\xi \dot L_j(\sigma)=: \sum_{j=0}^s \alpha_{j\ell} \dot L_j(\sigma) where define simply define \alpha_{j\ell} = \int_0^{\gamma_j} \tilde L_\ell (\xi)d\xi. Note that \alpha_{0\ell}=0 such that summation in \dot P_\ell(\sigma) starts at j=1 instead of j=0. Moreover, by definition of P_\ell (and the fundamental theorem of calculus), it holds that \dot P_\ell(\sigma) = \tilde L_\ell(\sigma), which gives that \dot P_\ell(\gamma_m) = \delta_{\ell m} that is \dot P_\ell(\gamma_m) = \sum_{j=1}^s\alpha_{j\ell}\dot L_j(\gamma_m) = \begin{cases} 1, &\quad \text{if }\ell =m \\ 0, &\quad \text{otherwise} \end{cases} for \ell, m=1,\dotsc,s.

Accordingly, if we define \mathcal A := \bigl[\alpha_{j\ell}\bigr]_{j,\ell=1,\dotsc,s} \in \mathbb R^{s,s} and V:=\bigl[v_{mj}\bigr]_{m,j=1,\dotsc,s} = \bigl[ \dot L_j(\gamma_m) \bigr]_{m,j=1,\dotsc,s} \in \mathbb R^{s,s} , it follows that V=\mathcal A^{-1}.

Moreover, since, \sum_{j=0}^s L_j(\sigma) \equiv 1, \quad\text{so that }\quad\sum_{j=0}^s \dot L_j(\sigma) \equiv 0, we have that \sum_{j=0}^s \dot L_j(\gamma_m) =0= \sum_{j=0}^s v_{mj} and, thus, v_{m0} = -\sum_{j=1}^s \dot L_j(\gamma_m) = -e_m^TVe. With these relations we rewrite (6.7) as h\dot X_{im} = \sum_{\ell=0}^sX_{i\ell}\dot L_\ell(\gamma_m) = v_{m0}x_i + \sum_{\ell=1}^sv_{m\ell}X_{i\ell}. and h\sum_{m=1}^s\alpha_{\ell m} \dot X_{im} as \begin{align} h\sum_{m=1}^s \alpha_{\ell m}\dot X_{im} &= \sum_{m=1}^s \alpha_{\ell m}v_{m0}x_i + \sum_{j,m=1}^s \alpha_{\ell m}v_{mj}X_{ij} \notag \\ &= -e_\ell^T \mathcal AV e x_i + \sum_{j=1}^se_\ell^T \mathcal AVe_jX_{ij} \tag{6.9}\\ &= -x_i + X_{i\ell}, \notag \end{align} which, together with (6.8), indeed defines a RKM.

Some remarks:

  • the preceding derivation shows that the collocation (6.6) and (6.8) is equivalent to the RKM scheme (6.9) and (6.8)
  • convergence of these schemes applied to (6.3)(6.4) is proven in Kunkel/Mehrmann Theorem 5.17
  • with fixing \gamma_s=1, the obtained RKM is stiffly accurate
  • the remaining s-1 \gammas can be chosen to get optimal convergence rates \rightarrow RadauIIa schemes
  • if also \gamma_s is chosen optimal in terms of convergence, the Gauss schemes are obtained